i had the most wonderful week! i didn't exactly know it when i was having it, but now as i look back it was an insanely exciting, joyful and interesting.
it started on monday with my plans not going... well... as planned. the horrible weather caused the roads by me to freeze up (my neighborhood is surrounded by farmland). so, this meant i was better safe than sorry by working from home. i was preparing for a business trip to iowa as well, so i was a bit nervous about how the roads would be (and yes, i will now take advantage of the 30 minute flight). a co-worker and i had a chance to meet with one of our most loyal and business savvy customers. i picked him up in cedar rapids and we visited our new friends at their store.
it was BEAUTIFUL. wonderfully merchandised, open and airy and she had so many tips and tricks on specific merchandise that is hard to move (but not for her ;). AND she took about 4 solid hours out of her already packed day of training new employees, running special santa sales in the store and education... to sit with us and give us all the feedback we asked for, information about the industry and her thoughts on what we could do to improve it. this was so unexpected and i am so grateful for such an experience. and how lucky are we that this was our very first store visit in our new positions.

next... came a shorter roadtrip to des moines to visit my very favorite-ist group of business partners! we're meeting another wonderfully insightful, strong & energetic co-worker there as well. first off, their agency got us an amazing deal at a choice hotel in the area - nothing we would have stayed at if we would have booked ourselves. it was so incredibly quiet, relaxing, warm, inviting and cozy! (with no-hassle, free wi-fi throughout - my favorite amenity!) the three of us started with a nice casual meeting over pizza getting ready for our next couple of days of intense information gathering. i learn so much from these two and find myself so wonderfully challenged by them to grow and move forward. then my night ends with a call home and a slo-mo landing into an enormous king bed fit for a queen ;)

wednesday morning... we get picked up by my account exec. (saving me parking fees and having to think too early and uncaffinated in the am) OH - and complimentary breakfast with custom omelet... then meetings upon meetings upon meetings with absolute EXPERTS in the industry!!!!!!! experts in their craft AND their business!!! the opportunities i gain from these relationships both personally and professionally is a dream come true. we continue our roundtables into the evening at a wonderfully decadent french restaurant over cheese flights, oysters, seared tuna, fillets, salmon, and more (not all mine ;) again, the night ends with that amazingly peaceful, plush and inviting hotel bed. (and my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much all day/night)

thursday morning... the three of us meet for some coffee and then for a fun-filled drive to meet two of our new business partners for breakfast (at a french patrie shoppe no-less). i overindulged excitedly in a fromage omelet - yummmmm (brie and Roquefort.. forgive my spelling). more recaps, opportunities, excitement, etc. etc. etc. dropped my coworkers off at the airport and went onto drive home. though it was disconcerting, now i feel lucky i wasn't one of the 32 cars/semis and trucks that had landed in ditches and trees on I80. i get back into town after listening to a few hours of classic radio sci-fi shows just in time to beat the snow! i meet my ecstatic puppy and cozy hubby and get ready for a packed day at the office on friday.

friday - management meeting - great insight, input and feedback... saw my team who i missed immensely over the past week (and who i am so incredibly thankful for keeping things running)... and then got to end the week with a company christmas party! our presidents had wonderfully motivating messages for us, the food was super yum, HR team made it a most joyful affair and their were games and prizes to boot! ok, soooo THEN I WON, i won a sewing machine!!! everyone's dancing (even me-without my left side making me fall at all!) everyone's laughing and loving and enjoying each other's company! i would have never even imagined it all could have been this great! the night ended with some nachos and a couple planning talks with my co-workers who challenge me... but also inspire me, a pep talk that meant the world ;)
SOOOO - where once i was overwhelmed, stressed, etc. i am now insanely grateful, excited, inspired, enthusiastic, driven, motivated and more!!!!!! my main inspiration here is this...

life is truly what you make of it. do NOT allow those nasty tired "eeyore" voices in your head make you lose sight of every tiny and great joyous moment you get to experience in life!
live in joy and joy will find you
love you all and thank you for making my life more joyous!