September 07, 2009

blue skies, good tunes & open road

what more could you want? i'm reading a lot from my friends' posts about enjoying the simple things. i always find the most peace in things that are easy to get, so i'm making a list here and maybe you'll find something that strikes you as enjoyable and try to incorporate it into your day...

play a game of mad libs (try to find online, or just email me, i have tons) this always makes me laugh until i almost wet my pants;
open all the windows in your house and lay in front of one, or in the middle of the room and feel the breeze on your skin while you take deep breaths in;
turn off the tv or radio just for a few minutes and enjoy the peace;
don't worry about your "schedule" for the day, if it doesn't get done, oh well!;
take a picture of your favorite thing in your house to look at and put it in a little frame at work (or put it in a luggage tag and hang from your rear view mirror);
sit outside or lay on the grass and stare at the clouds (don't forget to blink);
put in your favorite movie and watch it from beginning to end without breaking for any chores, emails, phone calls etc.;
turn off your phone & computer for 2 hours;
get in the car with a favorite mix of songs or cd (or tape ;);
open up all the windows and just drive (farm/country roads are the best);
eat a meal that doesn't have ingredients in it that you can't pronounce (even if it's just scrambled eggs or a turkey sandwhich;
take time out to do your own nails & a home-made face mask like we all used to do in high school/college;
talk to a friend on the phone for a while and laugh;
enjoy a snack/dessert with no guilt, no counting, no thinking - just savor it;
do or say something you've been wanting to do or say, but have been afraid to;
make raspberry noises;
write in a journal;
take extraordinary pictures of ordinary things;
be still; hug; kiss; love;

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