June 25, 2010

don't be scared to share

i really have never been one to share, just ask my sister. or my cousin who lived with us for a while and ate my cheese... i never have let that one go matty! ;) however, i have always enjoyed giving, is that in a sense sharing? i get joy out of seeing people happy, especially those i love. recently i had lunch with a wonderful new friend. i shared a bit of "my story" with her. mind you, a bit faster than i normally would give the gory details. but the great thing is that she shared with me too. in 20 minutes we may have learned more about each other, and in my eyes, created a bond that can develop into something stronger than what many people have with their own family members!

we have to remember that we're not in this world alone. the difficult, challenging, crappy, nasty things we experience on any day whether now or in our past, have (believe it or not) been experienced by someone else as well! maybe the names and places have been changed, but the events remain the same. even our joys, likes, hobbies, and activities that feed our souls have been experienced by someone else! i challenge you to go out and find someone or some way to share your story! enlighten us all!

i have this blog so i can share my life, stories, challenges and creations that help me get through this life in the hopes i can help someone else shed light on their day if they need it. to me, if i can reach out to even just ONE individual, and change their life in a positive way, i continue to fulfill my purpose and can continue to inspire. i wouldn't be able to do this without those i learn from and those that share their experiences with me. we are all wonderful, beautiful creatures and ALL of our stories are important and all of our experiences are worthy of being heard. if you want to share your story, I'll post it!!! I want to be a platform for you to inspire .... kwickersheim@gmail.com or you can comment below and share yourself :)

let people know what you've been through... let people hear your pain, your joy, your humor and sadness... let others experience you! you are not alone, we are not alone.

much love... xxoo

June 16, 2010

From the Brave Girls Club...

I get a little email snippit each day from this amazing website...
This is too good not to share, please read on :)

It's so important to seek out the beauty that life has to offer, or life can get quite unappealing.

It's so important to look for the good instead of the bad...and to see all of the wonderful little things all around you rather than letting yourself feel annoyed by other little things that really aren't important.

Try to find peace, and then remember that feeling and seek out whatever it takes to get back to that feeling when you seem off-track or uneasy. When life feels dark, just step into the light...one step at a time, and before you know it...the darkness is gone.

Every day there are a million choices competing for your time, your brain-space and your commitment....

Go where the peace is...go where the beauty is....go where the good stuff is. Most of it is just a choice... use the gift of choice wisely!

You know this stuff....just remember to remember it. :)

thanks brave girls club!